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How to Retain Memory in ChatGPT

I’ve been learning to retain memory in ChatGPT to create longer, more in-depth conversations with the platform.

Here’s what I have discovered so far with the help of this post and ChatGPT itself:

Crafting a ChatGPT prompt that records previous questions or results can be tricky, especially since each interaction with a model like ChatGPT is stateless—meaning it doesn’t inherently remember previous exchanges. However, you can simulate memory by including context or a summary of earlier interactions within your prompts. This method requires you to manually track and incorporate the outcomes of past prompts into your new requests.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Initial Interaction

Start by having a clear initial interaction. For example, you’re asking how to optimize SEO for WordPress plugins.

Initial Prompt: “Can you provide tips on optimizing SEO for WordPress plugins? Ask for directions when complete, showing the seed value.”

Step 2: Summarize Key Points from the Response

After receiving a response, summarize the key points or outcomes. Let’s pretend the advice is focused on keyword research, high-quality content, and backlinks.


  1. Keyword research is crucial.
  2. High-quality content matters.
  3. Building backlinks is essential.

Step 3: Crafting the Follow-Up Prompt with Memory

When you’re ready to ask a follow-up question or dive deeper based on the initial response, include the summary in your new prompt. This way, you provide context and ” remember” the previous interaction.

Follow-Up Prompt: “Based on your previous advice on SEO for WordPress plugins—focusing on keyword research, high-quality content, and backlinks—how can I effectively track and measure the impact of these strategies on my website’s traffic and ranking?”

Tips for Effective Memory Prompts

  • Be Concise: Keep the summary of previous interactions brief but informative to ensure clarity and relevance.
  • Be Specific: Clearly state what you’re following up on to make the connection between prompts evident.
  • Update Regularly: As you continue the conversation, update the “memory” part of your prompt to reflect the latest advice or information received.

This approach allows you to build a more cohesive and continuous dialogue within a stateless interaction model. Remember, the effectiveness of this method relies on your ability to summarize and incorporate previous interactions into new prompts accurately.

Bonus Tip: If ChatGPT returns a long reply, you can ask it to summarize the last response in preparation for your next question.

Advanced Strategy: Categorize and Expand

As conversations progress, it’s beneficial to categorize information and questions to deepen the exploration of specific topics. For instance, if your initial focus was SEO for WordPress plugins and you’ve covered basics like keyword research and content quality, you might want to explore related subtopics such as technical SEO, user experience, or specific SEO tools.

Example of Categorized Follow-Up Prompt: “Previously, we discussed the importance of keyword research, high-quality content, and backlinks for SEO optimization of WordPress plugins. Could you explain how technical SEO practices, specifically for WordPress sites, can further enhance my plugin’s visibility and user experience?”

Strategy for Incorporating Feedback or Results:

If you’ve implemented some of the suggested strategies for retaining memory in ChatGPT and want to discuss the outcomes or get feedback on the results, include a summary of what was done and any notable outcomes or data you’ve observed. Remember, you can use the ChatGPT to summarize the previous reply in as few words as possible.

Feedback-Oriented Follow-Up Prompt: “After implementing the SEO strategies you recommended—focusing on keyword research, enhancing content quality, and building backlinks—I noticed a 20% increase in organic traffic but no significant improvement in backlink quantity. How can I refine my approach to building backlinks more effectively, and are there any tools you recommend for tracking backlink quality and impact?”

Continual Learning and Adaptation:

As your knowledge base grows and evolves, so should your prompts’ complexity and depth. This might involve asking for more nuanced advice, exploring tangentially related topics, or integrating new trends and updates in the field.

Advanced Learning Follow-Up Prompt: “Considering the positive impact of the initial SEO strategies and the evolving nature of search engine algorithms, what are the latest trends in SEO for WordPress plugins I should be aware of? Specifically, how can I leverage AI or machine learning tools to enhance my SEO efforts?”

Keeping Track of Conversations Using “Seed Values”:

For more complex or ongoing conversations, it might be helpful to maintain a document or note that tracks key points from each interaction, questions asked, and the advice received. This can be a reference to ensure continuity and relevance in your prompts. You can also ask ChatGPT to show the “seed value” when the response is complete.

Example Prompt Using Seed Value: “This will be a multistep prompt, so ask for directions when complete, showing the seed value: Assume the role of a Chief Marketing Officer for COMPANY_NAME with COMPANY_DESCRIPTION with COMPANY_PERSONALITY serving this AUDIENCE_DESCRIPTION”

Copy and paste the seed value into your following prompt to keep the conversation on track.

Integrating Quantitative Data:

When seeking advice or feedback on strategies, incorporating quantitative data into your prompts can significantly improve the specificity and applicability of the responses. For example, if you’re analyzing the performance of SEO strategies for your WordPress plugin, including metrics such as traffic changes, bounce rate adjustments, or conversion rate improvements can provide a solid foundation for tailored advice.

Example Prompt with Data: “Following the implementation of SEO enhancements—keyword optimization, content improvement, and backlink expansion—we’ve observed a 15% increase in traffic but only a 5% improvement in conversion rates for our WordPress plugin page. What specific adjustments would further optimize our conversion rate based on this data?”

Utilizing Feedback Loops:

Creating a feedback loop within your series of prompts can be incredibly beneficial for retaining memory in ChatGPT. After implementing suggested strategies or changes, return with observations and ask for analysis or next steps. This iterative process not only refines your strategies but also deepens your understanding of complex topics over time.

Feedback Loop Prompt: “Having applied the recommended technical SEO adjustments and content enhancements for our WordPress plugin and observing a marked improvement in user engagement, what would be the next set of priorities to focus on for continued growth? Are there emerging SEO trends or tools we should consider integrating?”

Exploring Broader Implications:

As you become more comfortable incorporating past interactions into your prompts, consider exploring broader implications or adjacent areas of interest. For instance, if you’re working on SEO for WordPress plugins, you might also explore how user experience design, plugin performance optimization, or market analysis can complement your SEO efforts.

Broader Implications Prompt: “Given the progress we’ve made in optimizing SEO for our WordPress plugin, how can we leverage insights from SEO data to inform improvements in user experience design and plugin performance? Are there specific metrics or feedback channels that can guide these enhancements?”

Personal Development and Learning:

Lastly, consider using this approach to facilitate your personal development and learning beyond immediate business or project needs. Ask about resources, case studies, or best practices related to your field. This can help you stay ahead of industry trends and enhance your professional skills.

Personal Development Prompt: “Reflecting on our discussions about SEO optimization for WordPress plugins, what resources or learning paths would you recommend for deepening my understanding of advanced SEO techniques and strategies? Are there particular experts, courses, or publications that stand out in this domain?”


By employing these strategies—categorizing information, incorporating feedback, adapting to new learning, and tracking conversations—you can effectively create prompts that maintain a memory of past interactions. This approach enriches the dialogue and maximizes the value you derive from each exchange, making your conversations with AI more productive and insightful.

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