πŸ› οΈ Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Automated Discount Creation Using Zapier πŸ€–

Bonus: Advanced Customization Ideas

  1. Different Discounts for Different Membership Levels:
    • Use Zapier’s Filters to create different workflows based on the membership level.
    • Example: For Wolf Protectors, create a 10% discount, but for Bear Guardians, set the discount at 100% (free ticket).
  2. Add Dynamic Expiration Dates:
    • If you want the discount code to expire after a certain period (e.g., 30 days from membership signup), you can use Zapier’s date functions to dynamically set expiration dates based on the member’s join date.
  3. Use Zapier Multi-Step Zaps:
    • You can add additional actions to your Zap if needed, such as logging the discount code creation in a Google Sheet for internal tracking or sending a Slack notification to your team when a VIP member receives a discount.